Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! is an American/Japanese animated television series, and was created by Ciro Nieli, one of the directors of Teen Titans, with animation being done by a Japanese studio known as The Answer Studio. Set mainly on the fictional planet of Shuggazoom, the series follows the adventures of five cyborg monkeys and a human boy named Chiro as they struggle to protect their planet - and the rest of the universe - from the forces of evil.
As is obvious from the visual appearance of the show, there is a significant anime influence present, despite being produced for American television. It was also influenced by Star Trek, Super Sentai, Voltron, and Star Wars. The show also contains various references to pop culture, a notable example being the episode "Season of the Skull", which is a parody of the 1970s thriller The Wicker Man.
Together, with their crystal-charged powers, they are superheroes in the Southern-African inspired Kimoja City, shining bright to make things right until harmony and unity is restored in their community.
Adventures in Wonderland is a live-action musical television series based on Walt Disney's animated classic Alice in Wonderland. In the series, Alice, was portrayed as a girl who can go to and from Wonderland simply by walking through her mirror.
Puckworld is home to a race of hockey-loving humanoid ducks. When the sinister Dragaunus takes over the planet, a band of determined rebels, The Mighty Ducks, manage to chase him from the planet. During the fight, they are caught in a dimensional portal and end up stranded in Anaheim, CA. The Ducks form a hockey team and build a secret base under the Anaheim Pond so they can continue to fight Dragaunus and hopefully find a way home.
Follow a young Pooh Bear as he enjoys playdates with his friends. Set in the exciting outdoors of the Hundred Acre Wood, these musical shorts emphasize collaborative play and the joy of spending time with others.
Dino Ranch follows the adventures of the Cassidy family as they tackle life in a fantastical "pre-westoric" setting where dinosaurs still roam. As the young ranchers learn the ropes, they discover the thrill of ranch life whilst navigating the great outdoors through unpredictable challenges.
This single-camera animation/live-action hybrid comedy revolves around Kirby Buckets, a kid who dreams of being the biggest animator in the world. His drawings take shape as he and his best friends, Fish and Eli, go on outrageous adventures.
California receives an unexpected gift: her mother, Itzel, has sent her a van together with a request: she wants her to travel to Zacatecas to be reunited with her after a nine-year absence. California convinces her three mistrustful parents that this trip will lead them to happiness. Soon, California, Miguel, Diego, and Morgan set out on an adventure that will turn their lives upside down. What they could never have imagined is that they are being followed by two funny thugs who are also after the mysterious woman.
A magical animated series about a six-year-old girl, Doc McStuffins, who has the ability to talk to and heal toys and stuffed animals! With the help of her stuffed animal friends, Doc runs a clinic for toys out of her playhouse. The series emphasizes the importance of lending a helping hand, or paw, when people and toys need it most.
You’ve heard the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, but did you hear what happened after the story ended? Goldilocks apologized to Bear and now they’re best friends.
Kit Secord receives a surprise package on her birthday revealing that she's next in line to become the Rocketeer, a legendary superhero who has the ability to fly with the help of a rocket-powered jet pack. Armed with her cool new gear and secret identity, Kit is ready to take flight and save the day with her gadget-minded best friend, Tesh, and airplane-mechanic uncle, Ambrose, who join her on epic adventures.