Screechers Wild is a Chinese-American animated series, produced by Alpha Group in coproduction with Man of Action and Wexworks Media. As of now, it consists of one season and one web series. It was first broadcasted in China on March 14, 2016, and on the United States on June 15, 2018.
Unfortunately the series Screechers Wild! is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Screechers Wild! becomes available on Disney Plus!
Writing | 王文妍 | Writer |
Writing | Qiu Jun Ya | Writer |
Writing | 王忠 | Writer |
Writing | 顾佳馨 | Writer |
Writing | 赵家财 | Writer |
Crew | fangchang lei | Presenter |
Crew | Gong Yu | Presenter |
Directing | fangchang lei | Director |
Writing | 王卓涵 | Writer |
Crew | Cai Dongqing | Presenter |