Treasures of Ancient Rome is a 2012 three-part documentary written and presented by Alastair Sooke. The series was produced by the BBC, and originally aired in September 2012 on BBC Four. In the documentary Sooke sets out to "debunk the myth that Romans didn't do art and were unoriginal". This is based on the view that Romans heavily incorporated Greek style in their art, and hence produced nothing new or original. Sooke has received some criticism from the media owing to the fact that there is no consensus among academics on this topic, and hence no 'myth' exists in the first place.
Unfortunately the series Treasures of Ancient Rome is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Treasures of Ancient Rome becomes available on Disney Plus!
Title | Air Date | Duration | ||
Season 1 | Episode 1 | Warts 'n' All | 2012-09-03 | 60 min |
Season 1 | Episode 2 | Pomp and Perversion | 2012-09-10 | 60 min |
Season 1 | Episode 3 | The Empire Strikes Back | 2012-09-17 | 60 min |