Super Twins is a Filipino telefantasya. The series, which used to be a part of GMA Network's First Quarter Explosion and aired on the primetime block, debuted on February 12, 2007. It ended on a cliffhanger on June 1, 2007, which suggests a likely sequel to the series in the near future.
Unfortunately the series Super Twins is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Super Twins becomes available on Disney Plus!
Writing | Kit Villanueva Langit | Writer |
Writing | Denoy Navarro-Punio | Writer |
Directing | Dominic Zapata | Director |
Production | Edlyn Tallada-Abuel | Executive Producer |
Editing | Ferdinand Panghulan | Editor |
Editing | Ed Esmedia | Editor |
Writing | Dode Cruz | Writer |
Editing | Ver Custodio | Editor |