Inspired by the popular Harry Potter book and movie series, the show presents a trio of "wizards-in-training" at an enchanted private school run by Miss Crystalgazer. Cassy is a junior witch, Gus is a half-elf/half-human junior wizard, and Verne is a promising "mortie", i.e. a non-magical human. With the guidance of the talking Ultimate Book of Spells (aka UBOS), the three have to battle the evil wizard Zarlak, who's trying to steal all of the world's spells.
Unfortunately the series The Ultimate Book of Spells is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Ultimate Book of Spells becomes available on Disney Plus!
Writing | Christy Marx | Writer |
Directing | Chuck Patton | Director |
Production | Stephanie Graziano | Executive Producer |
Sound | Allen Bohbot | Music |
Production | Nadia Nardonnet | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | Graham Morris | Supervising Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Mario Macarayan | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Samantha Palomino | Character Designer |
Writing | Sean Catherine Derek | Writer |
Sound | Jim West | Theme Song Performance |
Visual Effects | Nicole Evelyn | Character Designer |
Writing | Randy Littlejohn | Writer |
Directing | Kathi Castillo | Director |
Writing | Sean Catherine Derek | Story Editor |
Visual Effects | A.J. Jothikumar | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Brent Gordon | Character Designer |