The story takes place in Kunitachi in Tokyo, where Reiko Hōshō, daughter of the owner of the world-famous Hōshō Group, has become a rookie detective. Her boss is Inspector Kazamatsuri, the son of the owner of Kazamatsuri Motors. The two work to solve difficult cases. When tackling her cases, Reiko always consults her butler and driver Kageyama, who spouts harsh language insulting Reiko but always brilliantly manages to solve the case.
Unfortunately the series The Dinner Table Detective is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Dinner Table Detective becomes available on Disney Plus!
Writing | Tokuya Higashigawa | Novel |
Directing | Mitsuyuki Masuhara | Series Director |
Writing | Mariko Kunisawa | Series Composition |
Visual Effects | Izumi Kawada | Character Designer |
Sound | Takeshi Hama | Original Music Composer |