The story of a group of young schoolchildren who find themselves stranded on a tropical island with no adults, following a deadly plane crash. In an attempt to remain civil, the boys organize themselves, led by Ralph and supported by the group's intellectual, Piggy. But Jack, who is in charge of signal fire duty, is more interested in hunting and vying for leadership and soon begins to draw other boys away from the order of the group and, ultimately, from hope to tragedy.
Unfortunately the series Lord of the Flies is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Lord of the Flies becomes available on Disney Plus!
Writing | William Golding | Novel |
Sound | Hans Zimmer | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Kara Talve | Original Music Composer |
Production | Callum Devrell-Cameron | Producer |
Production | Joel Wilson | Executive Producer |
Production | Jamie Campbell | Executive Producer |
Production | Jack Thorne | Executive Producer |
Production | Marc Munden | Executive Producer |
Production | Nawfal Faizullah | Executive Producer |
Production | Cailah Scobie | Executive Producer |
Production | Amanda Duthie | Executive Producer |
Production | Martin Ware | Casting |