Based on a series of light novels written by Tanaka Yoshiki. The story revolves around Ryōko Yakushiji, a brilliant 27-year-old elite investigator with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Together with her subordinate Junichirō Izumida, the two often investigate bizzare and supernatural cases. In addition with the paranormal, Ryōko also has a longstanding rivalry with Yukiko Muromachi, another talented police investigator.
Unfortunately the series Ryoko's Case File is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Ryoko's Case File becomes available on Disney Plus!
Art | Kazushige Kanehira | Art Designer |
Camera | Kunihiko Ito | Director of Photography |
Directing | Tarou Iwasaki | Director |
Crew | Hiroyuki Kawasaki | Series Writer |
Visual Effects | Junichiro Taniguchi | Character Designer |
Editing | Seiji Morita | Editor |