Drama series 'Lelaki Itu' published by Rumah Karya Citra, produced by Eirma Fatima and directed by Along Kamaluddin and Nur Sharif. Line up famous actors such as Datuk Adi Putra, Che Puan Sarimah Ibrahim, Nur Fazura, Nabila Huda, Aedy Ashraf and many more.
Unfortunately the series Lelaki Itu is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Lelaki Itu becomes available on Disney Plus!
Writing | Erma Fatima | Writer |
Sound | Marsha Milan Londoh | Songs |
Production | Ahmad Albab Abdullah | Publicist |
Production | Ain Abdullah | Executive Producer |
Sound | Amylea Azizan | Songs |
Directing | Nur Ain Sharif | Director |
Production | Ahmad Arri Abdullah | Publicist |
Production | Citra Abdullah | Executive Producer |
Directing | Along Kamaluddin | Director |