The comic series, Koningshuis the Musical, takes place behind the scenes at a musical production about the Dutch Royals.
Unfortunately the series Koningshuis the Musical is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Koningshuis the Musical becomes available on Disney Plus!
Directing | Diederik Ebbinge | Director |
Writing | Diederik Ebbinge | Writer |
Directing | Anna van Schijndel | First Assistant Director |
Directing | Bo Wijgerts | Third Assistant Director |
Production | Noortje Dijkstra | Executive Producer |
Sound | Koos van der Vaart | Sound |
Production | Fabienne Poot | Assistant Production Manager |
Production | Jessie Mentjox | Production Manager |
Camera | Dennis Wielaert | Director of Photography |
Production | Eva Dokter | Production Assistant |
Production | Mariama Balde | Production Assistant |
Production | Yoeri van Esseveld | Production Assistant |