A crime suspense drama that follows four female college students who live in the same dormitory. After discovering one of their friends has fallen unexpectedly pregnant, and that the man who impregnated her is treating her badly, they hatch a plan to steal 1 million yen out of revenge.
Unfortunately the series SHUT UP is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when SHUT UP becomes available on Disney Plus!
Writing | Tatsuya Yamanishi | Screenplay |
Writing | ito Nanoha | Screenplay |
Directing | Takehiro Shindo | Director |
Sound | mdrm | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | i | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | Hidekazu Sakamoto | Music |
Editing | Takeshi Wada | Editor |
Editing | Ayaka Yamamoto | Editor |
Editing | Yuki Hirose | Colorist |