The life of David Jung, an enigmatic, highly unpredictable former US intelligence operative living in South Korea, is blown to pieces when the consequences of an impossible decision from his past come back to haunt him, and he finds himself pursued by Rebecca, a deadly, sociopathic young agent assigned to kill him.
Unfortunately the series Butterfly is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Butterfly becomes available on Disney Plus!
Production | Ken Woodruff | Executive Producer |
Production | Steph Cha | Executive Producer |
Production | Daniel Dae Kim | Executive Producer |
Production | John Cheng | Executive Producer |
Production | Stephen Christy | Executive Producer |
Production | Ross Richie | Executive Producer |
Production | Arash Amel | Executive Producer |
Production | Adam Yoelin | Co-Executive Producer |
Writing | Arash Amel | Graphic Novel |
Writing | Marguerite Bennett | Graphic Novel |