In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans, a group known as the Immortal Nine rises up against society. Tasked with disposing of the revolters, a Nean named Rouge Redstar (aka Metal Rouge) and investigator Naomi Orthmann head to Mars to track them down…but first, Rouge wants some chocolate.
Unfortunately the series Metallic Rouge is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Metallic Rouge becomes available on Disney Plus!
Title | Air Date | Duration | ||
Season 1 | Episode 1 | Crimson Is the Sound of Dawn | 2024-01-10 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 2 | Wander in the Labyrinth | 2024-01-17 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 3 | Marginal City | 2024-01-24 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 4 | Freedom and Phantoms | 2024-01-31 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 5 | Carnival Dances with Lost Memories | 2024-02-07 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 6 | Nameless Guest | 2024-02-14 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 7 | Appropriate Gear | 2024-02-21 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 8 | Nowhere House | 2024-02-28 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 9 | The Ones Who Visited | 2024-03-06 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 10 | Family Portrait | 2024-03-13 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 11 | Target Planet | 2024-03-20 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 12 | Mask Graveyard | 2024-03-27 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 13 | Code Eve | 2024-04-03 | 30 min |
Directing | Motonobu Hori | Series Director |
Visual Effects | Toshihiro Kawamoto | Character Designer |
Sound | Taisei Iwasaki | Original Music Composer |
Writing | Yutaka Izubuchi | Series Composition |
Crew | Yutaka Izubuchi | Technical Supervisor |
Sound | TOWA TEI | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Masataka Ikegami | Director of Photography |
Art | Yasushi Ishizu | Set Designer |
Visual Effects | Hiroko Umezaki | Color Designer |
Crew | Yoshikazu Kon | CG Supervisor |
Production | Mitsuyasu Sakai | Researcher |
Art | Kazutaka Miyatake | Prop Designer |
Art | Takuya Ebisawa | Art Direction |
Production | Katsuie Shibata | Researcher |
Visual Effects | Takayuki Takeya | Creature Design |
Costume & Make-Up | Akihiro Yamada | Costume Design |
Visual Effects | Tomoyuki Hirao | Mechanical Designer |
Sound | Haru Yamada | Sound Director |
Sound | Yuma Yamaguchi | Original Music Composer |
Art | Shingo Takeba | Set Designer |
Visual Effects | Daiki Uchida | CGI Director |
Visual Effects | Tamotsu Shinohara | Creature Design |
Visual Effects | Yasushi Muraki | Special Effects Supervisor |
Sound | YU-KA | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | DAZBEE | Theme Song Performance |
Writing | Toshizo Nemoto | Series Composition |
Editing | Kumiko Sakamoto | Editor |
Visual Effects | Kenta Yokoya | Lead Animator |
Visual Effects | Hideki Kakita | Lead Animator |
Visual Effects | Nobuaki Nagano | Lead Animator |
Sound | Tomokazu Mii | Sound Effects |
Production | Asa Suehira | Producer |
Production | Masahiko Minami | Producer |
Production | Shoji Naoto | Producer |
Production | Yutaro Takadera | Producer |
Production | Mitsuharu Moriya | Producer |
Writing | Yutaka Izubuchi | Original Concept |
Production | Yasushi Kuwata | Producer |
Production | Zhang Shengyan | Producer |
Production | Tatsumi Yoda | Producer |
Production | Hidenori Hamada | Producer |
Directing | Yutaka Izubuchi | Director |
Directing | Takafumi Hino | Director |
Writing | Yutaka Izubuchi | Original Story |
Writing | Yutaka Izubuchi | Writer |