The story revolves around Juan dela Costa and Happy. The two meet each other when Juan rescues Happy from a thief. Their romance leads to a wedding. Their relationship with their families is opposed, and the couple can't have a child on their own, so they decide to adopt one instead.
Unfortunately the series Juan Happy Love Story is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Juan Happy Love Story becomes available on Disney Plus!
Directing | L.A. Madridejos | Director |
Writing | Denoy Navarro-Punio | Writer |
Writing | Tina Samson-Velasco | Writer |
Writing | John Kenneth De Leon | Writer |
Writing | Jules Katanyag | Writer |
Writing | Marlon Miguel | Writer |
Writing | Agnes Gagelonia-Uligan | Writer |
Writing | John Borgy Danao | Writer |