Def Comedy Jam is a HBO television series produced by Russell Simmons. The series had its original run from July 1, 1992 to January 1, 1997. The show returned on HBO's fall lineup in 2006. Def Comedy Jam helped to launch the careers of several African-American stand-up comedians.
Unfortunately the series Def Comedy Jam is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Def Comedy Jam becomes available on Disney Plus!
Title | Air Date | Duration | ||
Season 1 | Episode 1 | Steve White, Derrick Fox, Yvette Wilson, Joe Torry | 1992-07-01 | 30 min |
Season 1 | Episode 2 | Ricky Harris, Reggie McFadden, Anthony J. Brown, Adele Givens | 30 min | |
Season 1 | Episode 3 | Bernard Jeffrey McCollough (Bernie Mac), Steve Harvey, Vince D. Rodney Winfield | 30 min | |
Season 1 | Episode 4 | Laura Hayes, Bill Bellamy, Ted Carpenter, George Rogers (G.I. George) | 30 min | |
Season 1 | Episode 5 | Pierre Edwards, D.L. Hughley, A.J. Jamal, Marva Moncrieffe (Simply Marvalous) | 30 min | |
Season 1 | Episode 6 | William Wilson, Michael Colyar, Tony Brown, Ajai Sanders | 30 min | |
Season 1 | Episode 7 | Robin Montague, Tommy Chunn, James Stephens III, Tony Woods | 30 min | |
Season 1 | Episode 8 | Reynaldo Rey, Eddie Griffin, Darcel Blagmon (Fat Doctor), Arceneaux & Mitchell | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 1 | Alonzo Jones (Hamburger), Chris Tucker, Bernie Mac, Kevin Anthony | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 2 | Cedric the Entertainer, Andre Covington, Angela Means | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 3 | Lester Barrie, Royale, JB Smoove, Myra J | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 4 | Chinnita Morris (Chocolate), Dave Chappelle, D.L. Hughley, Mystro Clark | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 5 | Buddy Lewis, Chriss Charles, Marc Knox (Flex), Ken Cox | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 6 | George Willborn, Bill Bellamy, Kenny Howell, J'Vonne Pearson | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 7 | Charles Cozart, Kevin Lee, Adele Givens, Anthony Johnson | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 8 | Karen Addison, Michael Colyar, Terrence Bruton (Jay), Mike Bonner | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 9 | Aries Spears, Arnez E. Johnson (Arnez J.), William Stephenson, Ellen Cleghorne | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 10 | Kahil Shkymba (The Great Kris Kringle), Marva Moncrieffe (Simply Marvalous), Bradley Lowery, Jonathan Slocumb | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 11 | Terry Willis (Terry Tuff), Joe Torry, Thea Vidale, Melvin George III | 30 min | |
Season 2 | Episode 12 | Rushion McDonald, Brandon Bowlin, Ted Carpenter, T.P. Hearn | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 1 | Daniel Gardner, Chris Thomas, Mark Jackson (Faceman), Tracey Morgan | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 2 | Garfield, Sheryl Underwood, Chris Tucker, Warren Hutcherson | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 3 | Carl Strong, Adele Givens, Cortez W. Jackson (Cortez), Dave Edwards | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 4 | Bill Hill, Chriss Charles, Kool Bubba Ice, Darryl Littleton (D'Militant) | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 5 | Faizon Love, Reggie McFadden, Royale Watkins, Yvette Wilson | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 6 | Mark Wheatle, Terry Hodges, Joe Torry, Wan Dexter | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 7 | Gordon Brown III (Doo Doo Brown), Steve Harvey, Lenny Varnedoe, Warren Thomas | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 8 | Andrew Ford (Downtown Tony Brown), Ardie Foqua, Melanie Comacho | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 9 | Rickey Smiley, Laura Hayes, Dante Carter, Sherman Golden | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 10 | Marvin Thomas, Henry Welch, Ricky Harris, Blair Shannon | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 11 | Lester Bibbs, Ted Carpenter, Cory Z. Miller (Zooman), Edwonda White | 30 min | |
Season 3 | Episode 12 | Doug Starks, Arnez E. Johnson (Arnez J.), T.J. McGhee, Cathy Melton | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 1 | Monique Imes (Mo'Nique), Mystro Clark, Paul Mooney, George Rogers (G.I. George) | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 2 | Billy D. Washington, Wilner Sylvince (Wil), Chris Thomas, Frantz Casseus | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 3 | Wyatt Lawrence (Wyatt the One Man Riot), Donnell Rawlings, J. Anthony Brown, Lori Rambough (Sommore) | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 4 | K. McCray (Special K.), Mike Smith (Brooklyn Mike), Corwin Hawkins (Amazing Grace) | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 5 | James T. Harris (Talent), Joe Clair, Marvin Dixon, Cecil Armstrong (Shucky Duckey) | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 6 | Cheryl Hoyle (Montanna Taylor), Tommy Chunn, Andrew Ford (Downtown Tony Brown), Donald Curry (D.C. Curry) | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 7 | Sandy Brown, Shang Forbes, Mark Reedy, A.J. Johnson | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 8 | Robert Guy Torry II (World Famous Guy T.), Bruce Church Brantley (Bruce Bruce), Buddy Lewis | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 9 | Dave Chappelle, Tasha Smith, Ian Edwards, Keith Robinson | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 10 | Willie Ashbury, Steve White, Donald Caldwell (Speedy), Deon Cole | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 11 | Tony Sculfield, Cedric the Entertainer, Darrell Heath, Nicole Beatty (Mugga) | 30 min | |
Season 4 | Episode 12 | Geoff Brown, Tony Woods, Arceneaux & Mitchell, Alex Thomas | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 1 | Spike Davis, Kenny Howell, Tony Roberts, Jerry Brooks (J.B. Smoove) | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 2 | James T. Harris (Talent), J'Vonne Pearson, Dartanyan Edmonds | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 3 | Anthony Luewellyn (Tony Tone), Lori Rambough (Sommore), Guy Torry (Guy T.), Ruben P. Moncito (Ruben Paul) | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 4 | Sylvia Cannon (Small Frie), Andrew Fraser, Will E. Perry (Will E.D.J. Robo), Lavelle Crawford | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 5 | Warren Hutcherson, Michael Colyar, Jimique Straker, Darian Perkins | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 6 | Dana Hall (Dana Point), Redd Grant, D.L. Hughley, Willie Brown | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 7 | James Stephens III, Tommy Chunn, Tim Murray, Arnez E. Johnson (Arnez J.) | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 8 | Reg Ballard, Mike Epps, Nathaniel Stroman (Earthquake), Alonzo Jones (Hamburger) | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 9 | Billy D. Washington, Reggie McFadden, Rob Stapleton, Domencio Parilla (Macio) | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 10 | Cortney Gee, Cedric the Entertainer, Freddie Ricks, Joe Recca | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 11 | Paul Mooney, Tracey Morgan, Paul Farmer (Freeze Luv), Royale Watkins | 30 min | |
Season 5 | Episode 12 | Anthony X. Belser (Tone X.), Mark Alexander Knox (Flex), Mike Britt (Mike B.) | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 1 | Chris Rock, Dominique Witten, Ronnie Long, Rudy Rush | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 2 | Cedric the Entertainer, Mike Bonner, George Willborn, Sonya D. Scales (Sonya D.) | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 3 | Joe Torry, Sheryl Underwood, Todd Rexx (T-REXX), Pierre Edwards | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 4 | Michael Colyar, Bruce Church Brantley (Bruce Bruce), Todd Lynn, Angelique Cope | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 5 | J Anthony Brown, Hope Flood, Mike Yard, Nick Lewis | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 6 | Bill Bellamy, Nathaniel Stroman (Earthquake), Terrence Bruton (Jay), Charles Walden | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 7 | Jamie Foxx, Barbara Carlyle, Affion Crockett, Corey Holcomb | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 8 | Ricky Harris, Carlos Mencia, Darrell Banks, Gilbert Tucker and Ronnie Hinds (The Most Brothers) | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 9 | Dave Chappelle, DiGiorgio Maija, Andrew Fraser | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 10 | Queen Latifah, Reggie McFadden, Billy D. Washington, Yvette Wilson | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 11 | Mark Curry, Donald Curry (D.C. Curry), Kivi Rogers, Leighann Lord | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 12 | Adele Givens, Alex Thomas, James Hannah, Melanie Comacho | 30 min | |
Season 6 | Episode 13 | Steve Harvey, Arnez E. Johnson, Capital Jay, Rich Vos | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 1 | Steve Harvey, James Hannah, Jack Shepherd, Chinnitta Morris (Chocolate) | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 2 | Cedric The Entertainer, Craig Robinson, Thomas Ward, Alex Thomas | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 3 | Adele Givens, Tony Woods, Alex Thomas, Darrell Heath, Ray Grant, Jeremiah 'J.J.' Williamson | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 4 | Mark Curry, Mike Britt (Mike B.), Daniel Dugar, Tyler Craig | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 5 | Sommore, Ian Edwards, Sherman Golden, David Tullis | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 6 | Talent, Diane Corder, Bill Hill, Warren Thomas | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 7 | Ricky Harris, Cory Z. Miller (Zooman), Mike Brooks, Wil Sylvince | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 8 | DL Hughley, Andrew Fraser (Drew Frazer), Rod Thompson (Rod-man), Rhetha Jones | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 9 | George Wallace, Greer Barnes, Mike Epps, Ingrid Walton (Coco) | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 10 | John Witherspoon, Mystro Clark, Joe Clair, Hank McGauley | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 11 | Michael Colyar, Tony Sculfield, Darrell Fitzpatrick (Big Daddy Fitz), John Basinger (Honest John) | 30 min | |
Season 7 | Episode 12 | Ed Lover, Evan Lionel, Aries Spears, James Roberts (Ed Lover), Kyle Grooms | 30 min | |
Season 10 | Episode 1 | Tony Rock, Sommore, Capone | 2006-09-10 | 30 min |
Season 10 | Episode 2 | Vince Morris, Adele Givens, Earthquake | 2006-09-17 | 30 min |
Season 10 | Episode 3 | Jay Phillips, Dominique, Tony Roberts | 2006-09-24 | 30 min |
Season 10 | Episode 4 | Kevin Hart, Melanie Comarcho, Katt Williams | 2006-10-01 | 30 min |
Season 10 | Episode 5 | Bruce Bruce, Deray, D.L. Hughley | 2006-10-08 | 30 min |
Season 10 | Episode 6 | Aris Spears, J.J., Arnez J | 2006-10-15 | 30 min |
Season 10 | Episode 7 | Alex Thomas, Roz, Don | 2006-10-29 | 30 min |
Season 10 | Episode 8 | Esau McGraw, Leslie, Bill Bellamy | 2006-11-05 | 30 min |
Season 10 | Episode 9 | Joe Clair, Jasper Redd, Mark Curry, Red Grant | 2006-11-12 | 30 min |
Season 10 | Episode 10 | Rodney Perry, Talent, Deon Cole, Kenny Howell | 2006-11-19 | 30 min |
Season 10 | Episode 11 | T. Rex, Corey Holcomb, Chris Spencer, Guy Torry | 2006-11-26 | 30 min |
Season 11 | Episode 1 | Vincent Oshana, Gina Yashere, Capone, Damon Wayans Jr. | 2008-01-06 | 30 min |
Season 11 | Episode 2 | Gilson Lubin, Vanessa Fraction, Patrice O'Neal | 2008-01-13 | 30 min |
Season 11 | Episode 3 | Smokey, Tiffany Haddish, Big Rome, Tony Roberts | 2008-01-20 | 30 min |
Season 11 | Episode 4 | Roy Wood Jr., Kyle Groom, Russell Peters | 2008-01-27 | 30 min |
Season 11 | Episode 5 | Wil Sylvince, Cory Fernandez, Ted Carpenter | 2008-02-03 | 30 min |
Season 11 | Episode 6 | K-Dubb, DeRay Davis, Vargus Mason, Earthquake | 2008-02-10 | 30 min |
Season 11 | Episode 7 | David Arnold, Gerard, Timmy Hall, Rasheed | 2008-02-17 | 30 min |
Season 11 | Episode 8 | Malik S., David Raibon, B. Cole, Gerald Kelly | 2008-02-24 | 30 min |
Season 11 | Episode 9 | Damon Williams, Sean Larkins, B-Phlat, TuRae | 2008-03-02 | 30 min |
Season 11 | Episode 10 | Marcus Combs, Ali, Chris Thomas, Alex Scott | 2008-03-09 | 30 min |
Production | Stan Lathan | Producer |
Production | Russell Simmons | Producer |