Yayoi Sakamoto, a diehard fan of comedians and comedy acts, enrolls in the private Kazuki High School in Nanba (Osaka's entertainment district famous as the starting point for many comedians). She reunites with Yomogi Takahashi, a childhood friend who once formed the comedy duo "Konamonzu" with her when they were little. Before long, they find themselves putting together a routine at a park like they did before, in order to enter a local shopping area's contest. At that moment, a mysterious girl calls out to them.
Unfortunately the series Teppen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing 'til You Cry is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Teppen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing 'til You Cry becomes available on Disney Plus!
Directing | Toshinori Watanabe | Series Director |
Visual Effects | Yoshiyuki Ohkubo | Character Designer |
Writing | Jun Kumagai | Series Composition |
Sound | Shinji Takamatsu | Sound Director |
Directing | Shinji Takamatsu | Series Director |