The story follows a young businessman, Paul who plans to get back Crown Diamond, the company once owned by his mother. He is determined to take revenge and retrieve everything from the father who abandoned him and his mother to live with his new wife Netselao and the adopted daughter Nainapha , who took the love from his father. He charmed his stepmother's trust only to find out that all the bad things in the family were caused by her and her lover Singkorn and Nainapha was just a victim, just like him. So he empathizes and secretly helps her until intimacy transforms into love. The plan to pull out the mask of the stepmother goes on with the love at stake.
Unfortunately the series As Long As The Sky Has the Sun is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when As Long As The Sky Has the Sun becomes available on Disney Plus!
Writing | Baison Jinatcha Maneesriwong | Screenplay |