Santo Bugito was a 1995 animated cartoon series developed by Klasky-Csupo for CBS. It ran for thirteen episodes and revolved around the goings on in a fictional community of insects. Notable achievements of this series included a revival of the insect-community genre well before Antz or A Bug's Life, and voice cameos from well known performers such as James Belushi and Johnny Cash. The regular cast included Hollywood veterans such as Henry Gibson, George Kennedy, Cheech Marin, and Joan Van Ark. The show has also aired on ITV in the United Kingdom and on ABC in Australia.
Unfortunately the series Santo Bugito is not yet available on Disney Plus. Follow us on Facebook to see when Santo Bugito becomes available on Disney Plus!
Production | Gábor Csupó | Producer |
Sound | Mark Mothersbaugh | Music |
Sound | Robert Mothersbaugh | Music |
Sound | Mark Mothersbaugh | Songs |
Sound | Lane Raichert | Songs |
Sound | Bruce Young Berman | Songs |
Visual Effects | Igor Kovalyov | Character Designer |