This inventive animated comedy series, set inside a giant fish tank in Bud's Pet Shop, presents high school life as seen through the eyes of three BFFs (best fish friends), Bea, Milo and Oscar. Together they experience the typical life challenges and triumphs, including friendship, dating and sports, along with more atypical situations such as giant lobster attacks and, with the use of special land suits, school field trips to the hamster cages. The series was created by children's book illustrator Noah Z. Jones and features a notable voice cast. It's produced using an innovative mixture of digital animation and photo collage
The Super Hero Squad Show is an American cartoon series by Marvel Animation. It is based on the Marvel Super Hero Squad action figure line from Hasbro, which portray the Avengers, the X-Men, and various other characters of the Marvel Universe in a cartoonish super-deformed-style. It is also a self-aware parody of the Marvel characters, with influences taken from on the comedic Mini Marvels series of parody comic books, in that the heroes tend to find themselves in comedic situations, and have cartoonish bents in comparison to their usually serious personalities, and is an overall comedic take on the Avengers. The series' animation was produced by Film Roman and Marvel Animation.
During the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi leads an assault on the planet Muunilinst, home of the Intergalactic Banking Clan; and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, is appointed by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to lead the Republic’s space forces. Meanwhile, Separatist leader and Sith Lord Count Dooku takes in Force-sensitive gladiator Asajj Ventress as his Sith apprentice, and tasks her with eliminating Skywalker.
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja is an American animated television series created by Jed Elinoff and Scott Thomas for Disney XD. It is produced by Titmouse, Inc. and Boulder Media Limited. Many of the character designs were supplied by Jhonen Vasquez, the creator of Invader Zim. The series premiered on September 17, 2012.
There's no guarding the galaxy from this mischievous toddler! Get ready as Baby Groot takes center stage in his very own collection of shorts, exploring his glory days growing up and getting into trouble among the stars.
The adventures of Wander, an eternally-optimistic intergalactic traveler and constant do-gooder, and his quick-tempered but loyal steed and best friend, Sylvia. The friendliest face in outer space, Wander journeys across the galaxies to spread good cheer and to help anyone he can — much to his overly pragmatic stallion’s chagrin. Their fun-loving escapades often lead them to clash with the evil villain Lord Hater and his army of Watchdogs, who travel from planet to planet trying to make hate the order of the day. Together, the best friends travel through the cosmos, happening upon one freewheeling adventure after another and making new friends and foes.
Brady and Boomer, 16-year-old fraternal twins, are typical teens being raised by relatives in Chicago. But when the Royal Secretary to the Throne of the Island of Kinkou, arrives to inform the boys of their lineage, their lives change drastically. Now, Brady and Boomer must relocate and claim the throne as joint Kings of the island.
In 1987, bloodied man Soo-ho jumps into a women's university dormitory in Seoul. Yeong-ro, a female student who fell in love with him at a group blind date, tends to his wounds as the dormitory is ensnared in intense surveillance. As Soo-ho's secrets unravel, he must eventually face the conflict between his heart to Yeong-ro and responsibility to his comrades, as well as to his sibling who awaits him in his home country. What will be of their fate?
When her family becomes suddenly homeless, Woojoo decides on revenge for all the injustices she has been put through. However, her supposed foe, Dongjin, is a heart-wrenchingly lonely and gentle soul.
Explore the world’s most fascinating, strange and inexplicable mysteries. Each episode features compelling contributions from scientists, historians, witnesses and experiencers—each seeking to shed light on how the seemingly impossible actually can happen.
Journey into the lives of two distinctly different Jedi from the prequel era – Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku. Each will be put to the test as they make choices that will define their destinies.
No Go Jin is the most popular mathematics instructor in the private education field and the CEO of GOTOP Education. Even though he has only a high school level education, he has achieved all of his success due to his extreme intelligence. He seems like a perfect man with a handsome appearance, high IQ, and wealth. He is also narcissistic. One day, he is suddenly warned that he will be murdered.
Lee Shin A works as No Go Jin’s secretary. She is a diligent and responsible employee. Due to her quiet and introverted personality, she has little presence with her boss No Go Jin and her colleagues at work. Her colleagues begin to recognize her, because she has worked for the notorious No Go Jin for more than 1 year. She then learns that she does not have much time left to live.
Mickey invites preschoolers to play along as he talks about everyday topics familiar to their lives, including morning and nighttime routines and packing a backpack.
Fourteen-year-old Fi Phillips investigates the paranormal while touring the country in a bus with her widowed rock-star mom and her skeptical brother, Jack. At the beginning of Season 3, Fi passed the job of case cracker to a songbird named Annie
After nearly three decades of being Santa Claus, Scott Calvin’s magic begins to falter. As he struggles to keep up with the demands of the job, he discovers a new clause that forces him to rethink his role as Santa and as a father.
Joined by the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., a humorously dysfunctional group of teammates who double as family, Hulk tackles threats that are too enormous for any other heroes to handle.