A documentary by husband and wife filmmakers, Mario Balibrera and Dana Evans, of the art colonies of Taos, New Mexico in the early part of the 20th century.
Unfortunately the movie Art in Taos is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Editing | Mario Balibrera | Editor |
Production | Mario Balibrera | Producer |
Directing | Dana Evans Balibrera | Director |
Sound | Dana Evans Balibrera | Sound |
Production | Dana Evans Balibrera | Producer |
Camera | Laura Birely | Grip |
Sound | Ernest Shinegawa | Sound |
Crew | Bill Swortwood | Cinematography |
Camera | Terry Kocon | Grip |
Camera | Henrietta Averette | Grip |
Camera | Chris Balibrera | Grip |
Writing | Dana Evans Balibrera | Writer |
Camera | Jim Harrington | Additional Photography |
Camera | Mario Balibrera | Still Photographer |
Sound | Nat Shipman | Sound |
Crew | Mario Balibrera | Cinematography |
Camera | Clinton Dougherty | Additional Photography |