Thirteen-year-old Daniel lives with his older brother and terminally ill father in a village plagued by rural exodus. There, the young people live their lives between rare bus stops, xenophobia, unemployment, illegal dog fights and chemical intoxicants, among other things. Daniel stands between childhood and adolescence, and in the face of the indifference and stagnation of his surroundings, he becomes the victim of inhuman conditions that force him into a painful loneliness.
Unfortunately the movie Forces is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Production | Janina Sara Hennemann | Producer |
Production | Els Vandevorst | Producer |
Production | Kirsten Lukaczik | Executive Producer |
Production | Matthias Greving | Producer |
Directing | Constantin Hatz | Director |
Camera | Rafael Starman | Director of Photography |
Editing | Marco Rottig | Editor |
Costume & Make-Up | Lara Scherpinski | Costume Design |
Production | Konstantin Achmed Bürger | Casting |
Editing | Aljoscha Hoffmann | Colorist |
Writing | Constantin Hatz | Author |
Costume & Make-Up | Faye Ryan | Makeup Artist |