Computer animated short film. In a world of blurry fuzz and flames, a man professes his love to a woman.
Unfortunately the movie Burning Love is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Roger Gould | Director |
Production | Carl Rosendahl | Producer |
Directing | Howard E. Baker | Director |
Visual Effects | Roger Gould | Animation |
Visual Effects | Delle Maxwell | Animation |
Sound | Digidesign | Sound Effects |
Crew | Thaddeus Beier | Software Engineer |
Visual Effects | Howard E. Baker | Animation |
Visual Effects | Henry F. Anderson III | Animation |
Crew | Graham Walters | Software Engineer |
Crew | Scott Anderson | Software Engineer |
Production | Jim Ward | Production Manager |
Sound | Elizabeth Bartfai | Music Editor |
Sound | Peter Gotcher | Sound Effects |