A young Irish boy named Keegan and Spanish girl named Moya journey into a magical world of the Megaloceros Giganteus who teach them to appreciate Riverdance as a celebration of life. Based on the stage show phenomenon of the same name and featuring Bill Whelan’s multi-platinum Grammy Award-winning music.
Unfortunately the movie Riverdance: The Animated Adventure is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Writing | Dave Rosenbaum | Writer |
Writing | Tyler Werrin | Writer |
Production | Moya Doherty | Producer |
Production | Patricia Carroll | Executive Producer |
Production | Warren Franklin | Executive Producer |
Production | Joel MacDonald | Producer |
Production | Phil Brown | Executive Producer |
Production | John Gleeson | Executive Producer |
Production | John McColgan | Executive Producer |
Production | Richard Hodsden | Executive Producer |
Production | John Kambites | Producer |
Production | Antony Hunt | Executive Producer |
Production | Ivan Epstein | Executive Producer |
Production | Adam Nagle | Producer |
Editing | Kevin Pavlovic | Editor |
Production | Peter Nagle | Producer |
Production | Duncan Rodger | Executive Producer |
Production | Ollie McGovern | Executive Producer |
Sound | Bill Whelan | Original Music Composer |
Production | Leiki Veskimets | Production Manager |
Directing | Dave Rosenbaum | Director |
Production | Dave Rosenbaum | Producer |
Production | Tyler Werrin | Producer |
Directing | Eamonn Butler | Director |
Sound | Lora Hirschberg | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |