In the aftermath of the February shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that left 17 dead, filmmakers Emily Taguchi and Jake Lefferman traveled to Parkland and began filming with students who endured gunfire and the parents who lost their children in the crosshairs. "After Parkland" is an intimate chronicle of families as they navigate their way through the unthinkable; reckoning with unexpected loss, journeying through grief, and searching for new meaning.
Unfortunately the movie After Parkland is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Production | Kinga Janik | Line Producer |
Directing | Jake Lefferman | Director |
Directing | Emily Taguchi | Director |
Editing | Brendan Cusack | Editor |
Editing | Karl Dawson | Editor |
Production | Steven Baker | Producer |
Production | Douglas Blush | Producer |
Production | Jeanmarie Condon | Producer |
Production | Jake Lefferman | Producer |
Production | Eric Johnson | Producer |
Production | Samantha Sergi | Associate Producer |
Production | Meagan Redman | Co-Producer |
Production | Emily Taguchi | Producer |
Production | Stephanie Wash | Co-Producer |
Editing | Alexandra Garcia | Assistant Editor |
Camera | Jake Lefferman | Director of Photography |