This is a 60-minute film of Justice’s 2017-2018 live show, recorded in an empty and invisible space without an audience, focusing exclusively on the impressive production and music. The show has been seen by millions of people around the world. It revolves around a floating structure comprised of 13 independent moving frames, each one featuring 4 rotating panels of LEDs, mirrors and traditional warm lights which offer infinite combinations. The structure is in constant evolution over the duration of the show and proposes several new visual landscapes on every track performed. The footage is captured with the precision and patience of a rigorous documentary about the cosmos.
Unfortunately the movie IRIS: A Space Opera by Justice is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Sound | Gaspard Augé | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Xavier de Rosnay | Original Music Composer |
Directing | André Chemetoff | Director |
Directing | Armand Beraud | Director |
Lighting | Vincent Lérisson | Lighting Design |
Art | Gaspard Augé | Creative Director |
Production | Horace de Gunzbourg | Producer |
Art | Xavier de Rosnay | Set Designer |
Crew | André Chemetoff | Cinematography |
Production | Romain Carciofo | Location Manager |
Art | Thomas Jumin | Art Designer |
Editing | Stéphanie Pélissier | Editor |
Art | Adrien Servadio | Graphic Designer |
Production | Delphine Bellonnet | Line Producer |
Camera | Sébastien Grasso | Key Grip |
Art | Gaspard Augé | Set Designer |
Art | Quentin de la Motte | Construction Manager |
Art | Albin Martinetti | Graphic Designer |
Art | Vincent Lérisson | Set Designer |
Production | Maëva Tenneroni | Producer |
Art | Matthias Leullier | Set Designer |
Directing | Aurélie David | Script Supervisor |
Art | Xavier de Rosnay | Creative Director |
Art | Manu Mouton | Set Designer |
Directing | Marie Le Grévellec | First Assistant Director |
Art | Jan Houllevigue | Production Design |
Art | Lucas Morice | Set Designer |