Carmen Got Expelled! was a television series pitched to Disney Television Animation in 2010 that only remained as a pilot episode consisting of a fully-animated intro sequence and a color animatic. The series was to revolve around Carmen, a rebellious young girl who has been expelled by every school she takes part in until she meets The Baron, owner of a private academy he enrolls her into, and must do whatever is takes to avoid being expelled again.
Unfortunately the movie Carmen Got Expelled! is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Writing | Dave Thomas | Storyboard |
Crew | Jorge R. Gutierrez | Creator |
Crew | Sandra Equihua | Creator |
Directing | Jorge R. Gutierrez | Director |
Directing | Dave Wasson | Co-Director |
Writing | Scott Kreamer | Writer |
Writing | Jorge R. Gutierrez | Writer |
Visual Effects | Sandra Equihua | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Jorge R. Gutierrez | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Katie Rice | Character Designer |
Writing | Jorge R. Gutierrez | Storyboard |
Writing | Katie Rice | Storyboard |
Writing | Luke Cormican | Storyboard |
Writing | Eddie Trigueros | Storyboard |
Writing | Ray Morelli | Storyboard |
Art | Gerald de Jesus | Art Direction |
Art | Roman Laney | Background Designer |
Editing | Sean Coyle | Editor |
Sound | Pilar Diaz | Theme Song Performance |