"Police Academy"-style comedy set in a military school. Two errant high-school students are ordered by a judge to spend a year at a prestigious military academy, where one of the cadets finds out who is responsible for a spate of midnight thefts. Written by Mark Lennon
Unfortunately the movie Combat Academy is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Neal Israel | Director |
Camera | Steve Yaconelli | Director of Photography |
Editing | Tom Finan | Editor |
Sound | Robert Folk | Music |
Directing | Harvey Waldman | First Assistant Director |
Editing | Mike Hill | Editor |
Writing | Paul W. Shapiro | Writer |
Production | Thomas W. Lynch | Co-Executive Producer |
Production | Frank von Zerneck | Executive Producer |
Production | Robert M. Sertner | Producer |
Production | Bill Novodor | Co-Producer |
Crew | Paul Stader | Stunt Coordinator |
Production | Susan Glicksman | Casting |