A delightful, animated musical version of Charles Dickens' classic tale. A Cricket on the Hearth, tells the story of a poor toymaker and his daughter whom a helpful Cricket named Crocket befriends on Christmas morning. When tragedy strikes the family, it's Crocket who comes to the rescue and restores peace and happiness.
Unfortunately the movie Cricket on the Hearth is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Jules Bass | Director |
Writing | Romeo Muller | Writer |
Writing | Arthur Rankin, Jr. | Writer |
Directing | Arthur Rankin, Jr. | Director |
Writing | Charles Dickens | Novel |
Sound | Maury Laws | Songs |
Writing | Jules Bass | Lyricist |
Sound | Maury Laws | Original Music Composer |
Visual Effects | Rod Willis | Animation Supervisor |
Art | Don Duga | Production Design |
Art | Paul Coker Jr. | Production Design |
Visual Effects | Jiro Yanase | Animation Manager |
Production | Ronald Jacobs | Executive In Charge Of Production |
Production | Aaron Spelling | Executive Producer |
Production | Danny Thomas | Executive Producer |