A faux-documentary directed by Brian Kraft, detailing the disappearance of an anti-war activist during his investigations into Dick Cheney.
Unfortunately the movie The Brandon Corey Story is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Brian Kraft | Director |
Production | Daniel Sollinger | Line Producer |
Editing | Pytor Dubinin | Editor |
Sound | Neal Rosenfeld | Sound Designer |
Production | Mark Carbonell | Production Assistant |
Camera | Phil Guye | Grip |
Camera | Andrew Shulkind | Camera Operator |
Editing | Eric Grush | Assistant Editor |
Editing | Sherwood Jones | Assistant Editor |
Production | James Morse | Production Assistant |
Production | Jason Dowling | Production Assistant |
Sound | Greg Cosh | Sound |
Production | Tabitha Collins Nevel | Production Assistant |