The animated film was created based on the fables of Sergey Mikhalkov "Cautious birds" and "Hare in the hops." Drake with his assistants arranges a performance on the forest stage for animals. He tells fables about forest dwellers from the stage.
Unfortunately the movie On the Forest Stage is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Visual Effects | Fyodor Khitruk | Animation |
Writing | Sergey Mikhalkov | Writer |
Directing | Ivan Aksenchuk | Director |
Art | Boris Stepantsev | Art Direction |
Art | M. Skobelev | Art Direction |
Art | Yevgeni Galei | Art Direction |
Sound | Mieczysław Weinberg | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Elena Petrova | Director of Photography |
Sound | Nikolay Prilutskiy | Sound Director |
Editing | Aleksandra Firsova | Editor |
Directing | Lydia Kovalevskaya | Assistant Director |
Art | Grazhina Brashishkite | Assistant Art Director |
Visual Effects | Boris Stepantsev | Animation |
Visual Effects | Igor Podgorskiy | Animation |
Visual Effects | Tatyana Taranovich | Animation |
Visual Effects | Boris Butakov | Animation |
Art | Olga Gemmerling | Background Designer |
Art | Elena Tannenberg | Background Designer |