Monster Strike: The Movie serves as a prequel to the net anime series based on the game of the same name. The anime tells the story of Ren, who returns to his hometown with no memories of having lived there. When a a cell phone repairman installs the Monster Strike app on his phone, Ren finds himself pulled into a real-world version of the game and begins piecing his memories together again.
Unfortunately the movie Monster Strike The Movie: To The Place of Beginnings is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Visual Effects | Mineyo Onishi | Color Designer |
Visual Effects | Masahiro Tokumaru | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Kota Sera | Animation Director |
Art | Teruyuki Omine | Storyboard Artist |
Visual Effects | Jiro Kanai | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Sae Okamoto | Key Animation |
Writing | Jiro Ishii | Series Composition |
Visual Effects | Shizue Kaneko | Character Designer |
Art | Shingo Yonekawa | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Tomohiro Kawahara | CGI Director |
Art | Hiroshi Kato | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Tomohiro Kawahara | Mechanical Designer |
Art | Hiroshi Kato | Art Direction |
Camera | Tatsuya Nomura | Director of Photography |
Visual Effects | Shizue Kaneko | Supervising Animation Director |
Art | Tomohiro Kawahara | Prop Designer |
Art | Hideki Tachibana | Storyboard Artist |
Production | Nao Hirasawa | Producer |
Art | Hirofumi Sakagami | Art Direction |
Writing | Yoichi Kato | Series Composition |
Editing | Mai Hasegawa | Editor |
Visual Effects | Takahito Katayama | Key Animation |
Sound | Jin Aketagawa | Sound Director |
Production | Seiichi Shirato | Researcher |
Sound | Otohiko Fujita | Musician |
Visual Effects | Chiyoko Sakamoto | Animation Director |
Directing | Shinpei Ezaki | Director |
Writing | Taku Kishimoto | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Yuri Ichinose | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Tsuneo Ninomiya | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Sadatoshi Matsuzaka | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Chikara Sakurai | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Toshiharu Sugie | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Takashi Hashimoto | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Takehito Ise | 3D Animator |
Directing | Teruyuki Omine | Assistant Director |
Visual Effects | Teruyuki Omine | Key Animation |