Animated version of the classic Charles Dickens story. Warned by the ghost of his old business partner Marley that his sins would lead to punishment in the afterlife, the cruel and greedy Scrooge is visited by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future to show him how the course of his life led him to where he is - and where it will lead if he doesn't change his ways.
Unfortunately the movie Christmas Carol: The Movie is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Jimmy T. Murakami | Director |
Visual Effects | José Antonio García Villameriel | Visual Effects |
Sound | Julian Nott | Music |
Editing | Taylor Grant | Editor |
Writing | Piet Kroon | Screenplay |
Writing | Robert Llewellyn | Screenplay |
Writing | Charles Dickens | Novel |
Production | Nik Powell | Executive Producer |
Production | Rainer Mockert | Executive Producer |
Production | Iain Harvey | Producer |
Visual Effects | Richard Nye | 2D Artist |
Production | Tiffany Maberley | Production Coordinator |
Directing | Sheila McNaught | Script Supervisor |
Art | Errol Bryant | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Nic Gill | Compositing Artist |