Alien Arsenal, also released as Alien Weapons, tells the story of two teenage misfits, Ralph and Baxter, who accidentally discover a bizarre vault full of alien weaponry and body armor in the basement of their high school, with which they harness the power to transform from super superheroes. Unfortunately, their discovery signals the arsenal's alien owners who have returned to Earth to reclaim the deadly cache...and destroy the planet!
Unfortunately the movie Alien Arsenal is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | David DeCoteau | Director |
Camera | Howard Wexler | Director of Photography |
Directing | Steven Buhai | First Assistant Director |
Directing | Cecily Jordan | Second Assistant Director |
Directing | Craig Borden | Second Assistant Director |
Camera | C.P. Cima | Key Grip |
Camera | Sheryll Coulon | Still Photographer |
Lighting | Ed Goscinski | Best Boy Electric |
Camera | Cliff C. Jones | First Assistant Camera |
Camera | Ken Little Jr. | Second Assistant Camera |
Lighting | Erik Loysen | Electrician |
Camera | Aaron Mitchell | Grip |
Camera | Alex Schmidt | Best Boy Grip |
Camera | Sam Urdank | Still Photographer |
Camera | John Vetter | Second Assistant Camera |
Lighting | David Whittaker | Gaffer |
Editing | Lloyd 'Gambo' Taylor | Online Editor |
Writing | Matthew Jason Walsh | Writer |
Production | Charles Band | Executive Producer |
Production | Michael C. Cuddy | Co-Producer |
Production | Kirk Edward Hansen | Producer |
Production | Michael J. Mahoney | Co-Producer |
Sound | David Arkenstone | Music |
Production | Dana Scanlan | Co-Producer |
Editing | Don Adams | Editor |
Art | Hunter Cressall | Production Design |
Costume & Make-Up | Edward Reno Hibbs | Costume Design |
Art | Walsh Carvalho | Set Decoration |
Sound | Maui Holcomb | Sound Designer |
Sound | Chris M. Jacobson | Supervising Sound Editor |
Costume & Make-Up | Mihai Stanescu | Key Hair Stylist |
Costume & Make-Up | Mihai Stanescu | Key Makeup Artist |
Crew | Ariauna Albright | Post Production Supervisor |