In this autobiographical animated short, Elise Simard crafts the story of a young girl seeking self-discovery and rebirth. Drifting between real and imagined events, the film uses time-lapse photography with ink and pastels, creating a haunting, compassionate exploration of addiction and existence.
Unfortunately the movie My Little Underground is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Editing | Denis Gathelier | Editor |
Crew | Emmanuel Suquet | Compositor |
Sound | Shelley Craig | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Production | Michael Fukushima | Producer |
Crew | Élise Simard | Script |
Sound | Rebecca Foon | Musician |
Sound | Luigi Allemano | Sound Designer |
Sound | Sarah Pagé | Musician |
Sound | Karla Baumgardner | Foley Artist |
Production | Roddy McManus | Executive Producer |
Sound | Rebecca Foon | Music |
Editing | Pascale Paroissien | Editor |
Production | David Verrall | Executive Producer |
Directing | Élise Simard | Director |