Katsuya Maruyama is a middle school student boy full of obscene thoughts. He then meets Tatsuo Shimoi, a single father who moves into the same apartment complex. Tatsuo Shimoi is a bit of an enigma: he doesn't get along with the housewives in the apartment complex and doesn't appear to work. Through his encounter with the mysterious single father, Katsuya grows as a person.
Unfortunately the movie Maruyama, the Middle Schooler is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Writing | Kankuro Kudo | Screenplay |
Directing | Kankuro Kudo | Director |
Production | Tadahisa Sakamoto | Line Producer |
Production | Masahiko Mizuguchi | Producer |
Editing | Ryuji Miyajima | Editor |
Production | Kazutoshi Wadakura | Producer |
Camera | Kazushige Tanaka | Director of Photography |