Six months after the events of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st, Fate has returned to Uminari City with Lindy as her legal guardian and is living the life of a normal elementary schoolgirl along with Nanoha and her friends. The reunion between the two new-found friends is cut short, however, when they are assaulted by four ancient magic users who identify themselves as the Wolkenritter. As the motives behind the actions of the Wolkenritter become clear, Nanoha and Fate find themselves in a race against time to stop the reactivation of a highly dangerous artifact known as the Book of Darkness.
Unfortunately the movie Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 2nd A's is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Sound | Emi Takanashi | Sound Effects |
Camera | Tadashi Kitaoka | Director of Photography |
Directing | Keizo Kusakawa | Director |
Production | Osamu Uemura | Executive Producer |
Production | Toyoki Ota | Executive Producer |
Production | Hirofumi Shigemura | Executive Producer |
Writing | Masaki Tsuzuki | Writer |
Production | Hiroyuki Shimizu | Producer |
Production | Kouichirou Natsume | Executive Producer |
Production | Akio Mishima | Producer |
Production | Tatsuya Tanaka | Producer |
Art | Shinji Katahira | Art Direction |
Art | Hironori Tanaka | Storyboard Artist |
Writing | Masaki Tsuzuki | Original Story |
Visual Effects | Yasuhiro Okuda | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Tomoko Tasaki | Color Designer |
Editing | Kazuhiko Seki | Editor |
Sound | Jin Aketagawa | Sound Director |
Sound | Misa Chujo | Original Music Composer |