This gritty inner-city film follows various people living in a troubled New Jersey setting, most notably Nick Rinaldi, a disillusioned contractor who has been helped along his whole life by his wealthy father. Other characters in this ensemble drama about urban conflict and corruption include Asteroid , an unstable homeless person, and Wynn, an idealistic young politician.
Unfortunately the movie City of Hope is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Production | Maggie Renzi | Producer |
Camera | Robert Richardson | Director of Photography |
Art | Chas Plummer | Art Direction |
Production | Sarah Green | Producer |
Directing | John Sayles | Director |
Art | Carolyn Cartwright | Set Decoration |
Editing | John Sayles | Editor |
Sound | Mason Daring | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Sandy McLeod | Script Supervisor |
Costume & Make-Up | Rose Chatterton | Hairstylist |
Production | Harold Welb | Executive Producer |
Production | Jo Throckmorton | Other |
Production | John Sloss | Executive Producer |
Art | Dan Bishop | Production Design |
Directing | L. Scott Butler | Second Second Assistant Director |
Directing | Bill Martin | Second Second Assistant Director |
Costume & Make-Up | Sarah Mays | Makeup Department Head |
Production | Martha Griffin | Unit Manager |
Crew | Heidi Vogel | Post Production Supervisor |
Directing | Steve Apicella | First Assistant Director |
Art | Dianna Freas | Production Design |
Costume & Make-Up | John Dunn | Costume Design |
Production | Georgia Kacandes | Assistant Production Manager |
Directing | Gregory Jacobs | Second Assistant Director |
Writing | John Sayles | Writer |
Sound | Skip Lievsay | Supervising Sound Editor |
Production | Sarah Green | Production Manager |