The story revolves around a blind boy named Mohammed who is released from his special school in Tehran for summer vacation. His father, shamed and burdened by Mohammed's blindness, arrives late to pick him up and then tries to convince the headmaster to keep Mohammed over the summer. The headmaster refuses, so Mohammed's father eventually takes him home.
Unfortunately the movie The Color of Paradise is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Majid Majidi | Director |
Writing | Majid Majidi | Writer |
Sound | Alireza Kohandairy | Music |
Crew | Mohammad Davudi | Cinematography |
Editing | Hassan Hassandoust | Editor |
Costume & Make-Up | Mohsen Mossavi | Makeup Artist |
Camera | Hashem Attar | Still Photographer |
Sound | Mohammad Reza Delpak | Sound Designer |
Sound | Houra Maleki | Sound Editor |
Sound | Yadollah Najafi | Sound Recordist |
Sound | Reza Narimizadeh | Sound Editor |
Production | Ali Ghaemmaghami | Producer |
Production | Mehdi Karimi | Producer |
Production | Mehdi Mahabadi | Producer |
Production | Mohsen Sarab | Producer |