The group of fourteen contestants from the television program "Big Brother" becomes a privileged witness to the most extraordinary event that the austere region of Extremadura has experienced in its history. Charred remains of what doesn't look like a man-made ship float in a hotel pool. And at night, a thunderous noise and a light that invades everything prevents them from sleeping.
Unfortunately the movie El gran marciano is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Antonio Hernández | Director |
Writing | Antonio Hernández | Writer |
Sound | Víctor Reyes | Original Music Composer |
Art | Gabriel Carrascal | Art Direction |
Editing | Javier Laffaille | Editor |
Costume & Make-Up | Clara Bilbao | Costume Design |
Camera | Unax Mendía | Director of Photography |
Production | José Velasco | Producer |
Writing | Antonio Prieto | Writer |
Production | Antonio Saura | Producer |