In a dystopian world where humans with blue fingers are hunted for their power of invisibility, a 16 year old ordinary girl must protect her younger sister, who carries the same genetic trait, after witnessing their mother’s capture, navigating a perilous journey to keep their family from being torn apart.
Unfortunately the movie Jari Jemari is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Writing | Billy Octaviano | Writer |
Directing | Adelia Maharani | Director |
Editing | Billy Octaviano | Editor |
Lighting | Dede Bagas Prayoga | Gaffer |
Costume & Make-Up | Vincentia Rivka Heraviana | Makeup & Hair |
Costume & Make-Up | Vincentia Rivka Heraviana | Costume Designer |
Sound | Dominikus Paksi | Sound Recordist |
Sound | Restomi S. | Sound Designer |
Art | Haziq Al Fajar Damanik | Art Direction |
Sound | Apung | Scoring Mixer |
Production | Gashendo Farhan | Producer |
Crew | Alfan Fahmi | Cinematography |
Editing | Chananda Soeherman | Colorist |
Visual Effects | Rezha Pramudita | VFX Artist |
Production | Putri Zaki | Casting Director |