Majaz is a debut biopic feature film by Huma Khalil that depicts the life and poetry of the Urdu poet, Asrar Ul Haq Majaz, also known as a 'romantic revolutionary' in the Urdu world. The film's narrative is portrayed through the perspective of a current-day young research scholar, who, intrigued by the creative genius of this poet, explores the history and events that led to the creation of his poetic masterpieces as well as depression, self-destructive behaviour, and his early death.
Unfortunately the movie Majaz: A Life in Poetry is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Huma Khalil | Director |
Directing | Sandeep Kartar Singh | Assistant Director |
Writing | Huma Khalil | Writer |
Editing | Rajesh Sawale | Editor |
Directing | Mustajabuddin Malik | Co-Director |