Set in an alternate 1980s, where our anti-hero Henry Violence becomes entangled in a brutal drug war as rival cartels battle for supremacy, forcing him to make difficult choices to navigate the treacherous landscape.
Unfortunately the movie Violence is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Connor Marsden | Director |
Production | Tom Spriggs | Executive Producer |
Production | Andrew Bronfman | Executive Producer |
Production | Albert Shin | Producer |
Production | Julian Geneen | Producer |
Production | William Woods | Producer |
Sound | NOWHERE2RUN | Music Score Producer |
Writing | Connor Marsden | Writer |
Production | Steven Schneider | Executive Producer |
Production | Maddy Falle | Producer |
Writing | Devin Myler | Writer |
Writing | William Woods | Writer |
Production | Sam Sutcliffe | Executive Producer |
Production | Andrew Webster | Executive Producer |
Production | Mark Stevens | Executive Producer |