“The Moon Is Essentially Gray” is a 3-minute CG animated short about a young child, her makeshift rocket, and her fantastic flight to the moon. The film explores the role escapism plays in the lives of children who suffer some form of neglect or abandonment by their caregivers. It is ultimately about the struggle to gain (or regain) personal power, joy, and freedom.
Unfortunately the movie The Moon is Essentially Gray is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Hannah Roman | Director |
Sound | Chase Hawley | Music |
Visual Effects | Yimo Xu | Simulation & Effects Artist |
Crew | Trilby Schreiber | Thanks |
Crew | Carl Edwards | Thanks |
Crew | Jasmine Katatikarn | Thanks |
Crew | David S. Peng | Thanks |
Crew | Bruce Wands | Thanks |
Crew | Hsiang ChinMoe | Thanks |
Crew | Ashley Dearsall | Thanks |
Crew | Angelica Vergel | Thanks |
Crew | José Vargas | Thanks |
Crew | Milos Paripovic | Thanks |
Crew | Milan del Vecchio | Thanks |
Crew | Darren Santa Maria | Thanks |
Crew | Kathy Brew | Thanks |
Crew | Todd Brous | Thanks |
Crew | Jeff Call | Thanks |
Crew | Jony Chandra | Thanks |
Crew | Mitch Deoudes | Thanks |
Crew | Edgar Grana | Thanks |
Crew | Hong In-pyo | Thanks |
Crew | Justin Maynard | Thanks |
Crew | Steve Rittler | Thanks |
Crew | Rory Solomon | Thanks |
Writing | Hannah Roman | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Hannah Roman | Animation |