A decades spanning mystery commencing in 1945 after the mysterious deaths of Adolf Hitler and Subhash Chandra Bose, and culminating in 2022 at the height of the Russo-Ukrainian War.
Unfortunately the movie The Lost Ship is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Akhil Gaurav Singh | Director |
Production | Akksar Allahabadi | Producer |
Sound | Mariano Saulino | Music |
Editing | K. Palanivel | Editor |
Writing | Akhil Gaurav Singh | Writer |
Directing | Akksar Allahabadi | Director |
Production | Sana Mashook | Producer |
Crew | Kunal Khatoi | Cinematography |
Production | Akhil Gaurav Singh | Producer |
Writing | Akksar Allahabadi | Writer |
Writing | Brooke Halpin | Writer |
Production | Vin Muoio | Executive Producer |
Production | Cindy Villareal | Co-Producer |