In his first HBO comedy special, John Early brings his unique blend of cutting commentary, pop star swagger, and all-around loveable hilarity to Roulette Intermedium in Brooklyn, New York. In the style of a gritty 70s rockumentary, Early performs stand-up and explosive song covers from Britney to Neil Young, intercut with Spinal Tap-esque backstage sketches.
Unfortunately the movie John Early: Now More Than Ever is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Kat Hess | Second Assistant Director |
Sound | John Chamberlin | Sound Effects Editor |
Lighting | Conner Schuurmans | Gaffer |
Art | Lily Guerin | Set Decoration |
Sound | Jude McCormick | Utility Sound |
Directing | Kaelan Housewright | First Assistant Director |
Art | Gordon Landenberger | Production Design |
Sound | John Chamberlin | Dialogue Editor |
Sound | John Chamberlin | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Camera | Jarred Alterman | Director of Photography |
Writing | John Early | Writer |
Production | John Early | Executive Producer |
Production | Dave Kneebone | Executive Producer |
Production | Tim Heidecker | Executive Producer |
Production | Eric Wareheim | Executive Producer |
Production | Janel Kranking | Executive Producer |
Directing | Leah Hennessey | Director |
Directing | Emily Allan | Director |