In this new documentary, produced by the Criterion Collection in 2022, directors Sean Baker and Shih-Ching Tsou and actors Charles Jang, Wang-Thye Lee, and Jeng-Hua Yu consider the making of the film and its importance in their lives since.
Unfortunately the movie Reflecting On Take Out is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Sound | Issa Clubb | Sound Recordist |
Production | Peter Becker | Executive Producer |
Production | Kim Hendrickson | Executive Producer |
Sound | Jim Kunz | Sound Recordist |
Production | Fumiko Takagi | Executive Producer |
Editing | Stephen Gurewitz | Editor |
Production | Angie Bucknell | Production Director |
Production | Issa Clubb | Producer |
Crew | Giles Sherwood | Post Production Supervisor |
Sound | Shih-Ching Tsou | Sound Recordist |
Editing | Jalen Anderson | Assistant Editor |
Production | Jonathan Turell | Executive Producer |
Editing | Gabriel Chávez | Online Editor |