Hrundi V. Bakshi, an accident-prone actor from India, is accidentally put on the guest list for an upcoming party at the home of a Hollywood film producer. Unfortunately, from the moment he arrives, one thing after another goes wrong with compounding effect.
Unfortunately the movie The Party is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Blake Edwards | Director |
Production | Blake Edwards | Producer |
Editing | Ralph E. Winters | Editor |
Sound | Henry Mancini | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Lucien Ballard | Director of Photography |
Writing | Blake Edwards | Screenplay |
Writing | Frank Waldman | Screenplay |
Writing | Tom Waldman | Screenplay |
Writing | Blake Edwards | Story |
Art | Fernando Carrere | Production Design |
Costume & Make-Up | Jack Bear | Costume Design |
Production | Walter Mirisch | Executive Producer |