After a mysterious spaceship crash landed on Earth, a boy named Amato came across a powerful robot named MechaBot. By outsmarting MechaBot and becoming its master, Amato can now utilize MechaBot’s unique ability to Mechanize everyday objects into high-tech devices. Unknown to him, MechaBot is being hunted by a cybernetic alien called Grakakus who will do whatever it takes to acquire MechaBot for his own evil plans.
Unfortunately the movie Mechamato Movie is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Directing | Nizam Razak | Director |
Writing | Nizam Razak | Writer |
Production | Noor Ezdiani Ahmad Fauwzi | Executive Producer |
Production | Kee Yong Pin | Executive Producer |
Editing | Raja Nukman Raja Mohd Noordin | Editor |
Editing | Dzubir Mohamed Zakaria | Editor |
Production | Ferdiawan Gunarto | Line Producer |
Sound | Anas Abdul Aziz | Audio Post Coordinator |
Visual Effects | Mohamad Hafiz Ashraf Saipul Islam | Animation Director |
Directing | Mohamad Hafiz Ashraf Saipul Islam | Action Director |
Visual Effects | Raja Nukman Raja Mohd Noordin | Animation Director |
Sound | Simmy Lor | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Sharmine Bakri | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Yuri Wong | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Dzubir Mohamed Zakaria | Co-Director |
Production | Raja Jastina Arshad | Executive Producer |
Editing | Mohamad Hafiz Ashraf Saipul Islam | Editor |