Following the events of the iEagle show, the gang reunites once again after a mysterious wizard known as Elder Yomy plans to do evil with the sacred dimensional-traveling artifact, The Trophy.
Unfortunately the movie The iEagle Movie is not yet available on Disney Plus.
Visual Effects | Alan Vargas | Character Designer |
Directing | Shawn Benton | Co-Director |
Directing | Tyrese Kibet | Director |
Directing | Walter Wagner | Co-Director |
Writing | Alan Vargas | Writer |
Writing | Shawn Benton | Writer |
Visual Effects | Shawn Benton | Character Designer |
Writing | Walter Wagner | Writer |
Writing | Tyrese Kibet | Writer |
Editing | Shawn Benton | Lead Editor |
Crew | Shawn Benton | Cinematography |
Crew | Nick Furman | Stunt Double |
Editing | Walter Wagner | Lead Editor |
Crew | Walter Wagner | Cinematography |